Cycles of Chaos

on exploring the parallels between individually felt tensions, suffering, and conflicts, and those experienced on a collective scale. An examination of the  mechanism of perception, highlighting the individual nature of how we absorb and interpret information; in progression delving deeper into the fracturing of one's being. 
Between delicate harmony and the embodiment of chaos, capturing the interdependency between emotions, conflicts, and the transformative nature of existence. Two fields are intertwined by weaving a subjective inner world into the narrative and thus merging thesis and exemplary application.

Internal views

80 x 100 cm, Oil on canvas, 2023

Disintegration of unity

Diptych, each 50 x 100 cm, acrylics on canvas, 2023

Intricacy of peace

Diptych, 60 x 60 cm, 80 x 60 cm, mixed media on canvas (acrylics, charcoal, oil, oil pastels, polychromos), 2023

Chaos incarnate

80 x 60 cm, mixed media on canvas (acrylics, charcoal, oil, oil pastels), 2023